The Good Work Lab is a Specialist Consultancy group that was founded 2021 by two passionate work injury specialists, Dr Venerina Johnston, Researcher, Work Injury Prevention and Occupational Rehabilitation Specialist, and Donna Valiant, Work Injury Specialist, Ergonomist and Occupational Health Physiotherapist.

The Good Work Lab is a Specialist Consultancy group that was founded 2021 by two passionate work injury specialists, Dr Venerina Johnston, Researcher, Work Injury Prevention and Occupational Rehabilitation Specialist, and Donna Valiant, Work Injury Specialist, Ergonomist and Occupational Health Physiotherapist.

They want to use their experience and skills to build socially equitable injury prevention and management processes for all through research, collaboration, consultation and education.

Dr Venerina Johnston

Donna Valiant


How  do we  achieve your goals?

We work with our clients using the 3D’s process:  Discover – Design – Deliver


Involves getting to know your challenges and aspirations for the future, whether it be an individual need to recover and return to work, an organisational performance goal, or a broader industry wide improvement you wish to make . Using empathy and humble enquiry, we build meaningful relationships with our clients and develop a true appreciation of the situation.


A solution leverages collaborative co-production of research and practice. Our methodologies are steeped in user-centred design principles that work bottom-up (i.e., workforce-relevant) and top-down (i.e., management-strategic) to meet in the middle. Co-designing our solutions with you ensures we deliver with a ‘no surprises’ policy.


Is where the rubber hits the road and we support you to drive positive change. Ranging from information and advice, through to active coaching and training, or workforce strategy and communications engagement, our team has the skills to implement effective solutions. A core part of our delivery involves setting up a robust measurement and evaluation to capture compelling evidence of change.

Our Services to achieve your goals

We diagnose organisational issues and collaborate to design solutions to reach your organisational potential.

As leaders in the field of health promotion, injury prevention and work injury management, The Good Work Lab offers a wide range of training programs and tools designed for industry, practitioners and insurers.

Collaborative research means to actively involve our client partners (whether they are individual workers, employers, or external agencies/associations) in the co-creation of new evidence-based practices, interventions, and resources. Collaborative research produces exceptional outcomes for all parties by integrating multiple perspectives and requirements, and connecting real-world problems to scientific concepts.

The Good Work Lab helps to improve the capabilities of individuals, organisations and significant others to better support those with a health or disability related work incapacity, and supports them remain at work or return to work in ways that honour  your individual journey to recovery.