I’m looking for assistance to implement a risk reduction program in my workplace. Can you help?

This is our area of expertise. Depending on the type of program you are looking for, The Good Work Lab Team can  offer expert assistance in designing programs that meet your workplace specific needs.  

I want to do a 1-hour manual handling training program for my staff. How do I go about organising this?

As you are probably aware, there is poor evidence that simple, generic manual handling training has little effect on keeping people safe at work and most likely does not meet your health and safety obligations. The Good Work Lab team can help you with implementing training that is evidence based and can help to reduce injuries caused by manual tasks.

Is there any funding I can access to reduce the incidence and severity of injury in my workplace?

Depending on your organisation, your location and the scope of the project, there may be some funding available to help you to achieve your health and safety goals.

I want to book some training programs with The Good Work Lab. How do I do this?

As we have a wide choice of training options to offer, can we suggest that you contact us to discuss your training needs further

How do we obtain an unbiased review of the evidence between standing and low back pain?

As researchers, we are experienced in providing balanced opinions of the quality and scientific merit of the evidence.

How do I obtain the latest evidence between specific hazards in my workplace and health? The literature is confusing and difficult to access and understand.

Our team is experienced at conducting rapid reviews of the latest and most robust evidence on topics relevant to your workplace or industry. We can provide layperson summaries that translate complex concepts into plain language.

What is an Occupational Rehabilitation Specialist?

An Occupational Rehabilitation Specialist helps clients with injuries, disabilities, or impairments find employment. Job duties include assessing a client’s interests and problems to determine which positions match their capabilities.

What is an Occupational Health Physiotherapist?

An  Occupational Health Physiotherapist takes a risk management approach to injury prevention and management, in line with occupational health and safety laws. … The campaign encouraged trades people, their employers and industry groups to prioritise the long-term health of people in the trade occupations.

What is an Ergonomist?

An Ergonomist is a professional who studies, designs, and evaluates human work systems with the goal of optimising the performance and safety of those systems.  An Ergonomist may also be called a human factor engineer.

What businesses or organisations do offer training for?

We  offer  Bespoke  Training  Programs  for Health Professionals,  Human  Resource Practioners, RRTWC, Employment  Organisations and Insurers.

More Questions?

Please contact us  with any questions you may have.   The Good Work Lab Team  is standing  by to  assist. 

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